This week marks our 'Anti-Bullying Week' this year and #TeamRatton have continued to make us proud!
We had a hugely positive response to 'Odd Sock Day' on Monday, with students keen to participate and support its message of 'celebrating our uniqueness and differences'. Thank you to everyone, staff and students, for taking part.
To reaffirm the importance of this poignant week surrounding 'anti bullying', Mr Brown (Deputy Head and Safeguarding Lead) provided all of our students with a video on the subject.
Our students were shown this throughout their tutor time on Monday, which was not only thought provoking but also opened up conversations about our students own experiences and how they too can make a difference and help their peers. The theme of 'one kind word' was really felt across the school and our incentive to encourage this continues throughout this week.
Keep up the kindness #TeamRatton.
The theme of Anti-Bullying Week this year is 'One Kind Word'.
We encourage our students, school community and wider community to remember that one kind word leads to another. Kindness fuels kindness. So, from the playground to Parliament and from our phones to our homes, together, our actions can fire a chain reaction that powers positivity!
It starts with #OneKindWord. It starts today. What would your kind word be, and to who?