Earlier this term, our #TeamCareers hosted, in affiliation with Bexhill College and East Sussex College, this year's #EastSussexCareersFair- and what a raving success it was!
As ever, we were joined by many local professionals representing their businesses and/or further education option, and it was wonderful to see our community come together all in the name of #Careers!
Our learners, as well as those from across East Sussex, enjoyed the opportunity to take time and network with prospective employers and professionals, asking lots of fantastic questions and seeking advice for future consideration when thinking about their 'next steps' after their GCSEs and beyond.
A huge THANK YOU goes to our affiliated supporters Bexhill College and East Sussex College who, as always, are a pleasure to work with and assist with such a large, county-wide event.
Also, a huge THANK YOU to our learners and to all of the young people across East Sussex who came together and acted so professionally and with such enthusiasm, we are #PROUD of you all.
Finally, a last and by no means least, a big THANK YOU goes to our community champions, all of our local professionals that represented their businesses and spoke so encouragingly to our young people. You were all brilliant! See you all again very soon, from all of us here at #TeamRatton, #SouthDownsLearningTrust!
One last and big THANK YOU goes out to Mrs Peters, Assistant Head of Careers, and her careers team member Mrs Hylands, who go above and beyond to optimise the opportunities available to not only our own learners throughout the academic year, but also providing this opportunity for the young people across the county. #TeamRatton have an extensive and very well supported #CareersProgramme, and this is a testament to their hard work, commitment and strengthened relationships across our professional network. WELL DONE.
Let's do it all again next year shall we? YES, why not! DETAILS BELOW.
If you're a local professional/business and you'd like to support a local school and join our programme, please get in touch - we'd love to hear from you! Afterall, the youth of today are our professionals of the future. Please contact Mrs Peters on :